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7 Top Considerations when Planning a Team Building Event

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1. KNOW YOUR DEMOGRAPHICS: Activities should be appropriate for the guests. Meaning, you don’t want a to contact mechanical bull or dunk tank if your average guest is in their 60s.

2. ALLOW ENOUGH TIME: Some activities can be executed during a break out period, but other activities may require a few hours. (especially in large groups hosting tournament styled activities).

3. SPACE IS IMPORTANT: Many team building activities require a fair amount of space within your room, or venue. Know any limitations within the given environment.

4. CAPTURE THE SMILES: Equally as important as team building is, recalling these fun moments offers the same effects. Share photos or recap videos of the fun with the team. Consider using this content at company meetings or holiday parties to remind guests of the investment in their happiness.

5. TEAM BUILDING & TEAM BONDING ARE DIFFERENT: Know your audience and outline your event goals. “Bonding” can be done simply by hanging out in a fun environment with some loosely structured activities. Team Building is more structured and tends to eliminate the “cliques” that would be formed at bonding activities. Usually successful team programs should involve some time formality and some loose casual bonding.

6. FUN DOESN’T HAVE TO MEAN SILLY: Fun team building can be most effective when participants generally are enjoying themselves. These activities should not be lame, cheesy or childish. Build-a-bike, as an example is a great way to get your group to work together. At the end of the bike building program, these bikes can be donated to charity showing a great corporate caring.

7. HIRING A PROFESSIONAL IS IMPACTFUL: Guests will see and value your investment. They will follow directions provided by an outsider who specializes in team activities far more than hearing the familiar HR department representative recite activity rules they found online.

“Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated.”
~ Robert McNamara, former president Ford Motor Company